Ep. 29 | Ronald E. Dean, President and CEO, SGMC Health
He's back! Mr. Dean returns to the podcast to talk about how SGMC Health’s 3,200 all-star team members are creating a culture of excellence that’s changing lives across South Georgia. From bragging on the team to breaking down the growing residency program, Mr. Dean gives us the inside scoop on why SGMC Health is the place to be for patients, families, employees, and physicians. Hit play and get ready for a fun, feel-good chat about teamwork, community, and how SGMC Health has created a winning team!
- Welcome to another episode of What Brings You in today.
- I'm Erika Bennett.
- And, I'm Taylor Fisher.
- And we just wanna thank our listening audience for tuning in to SGMC Health's podcast and learning about our health system and what's going on in the atmosphere around healthcare.
- Yes. And if you have any questions you would like to submit or any topics you'd like to hear our experts talk about, you can submit those at sgmc.org/podcast.
- All right. And we're really excited today because we have our president and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Ronnie Dean in the studio. So, Mr. Dean, what brings you in today?
- Well, good morning, Erika. What brings me in today is I get to talk about our great people at SGMC Health,
- And it's been over a year since we last had you in our studio. We've done a few updates, so we're in a new little space, but a lot has transpired at SGMC Health over the past year. So tell us a little bit about it.
- Well, you know, it's sort of a, you know, a continuation of a journey that began some years ago. You know, we exist for one reason, one reason only is take care of other people. And everything we do is with that intent in mind. So what's going on today is about, you know, that objective, that mission. We're rapidly developing healthcare delivery system and we're continuously expanding. And we've really just begun. And what's going on today is, is that we're onboarding more physicians, we're launching more specialty care programs, we're expanding our primary care. We're adding new facilities and new technologies to support our physicians in these programs that they bring due to their expert training. And we're serving more than we ever have. You know, our capacity is being challenged at all locations because people are choosing to come here, not only from the primary service area, but from a wider region. And that's the objective. We wanna be available to South Georgians and neighbor and communities so they don't have to travel for care. And, and that's what we're up to today.
- Yeah, you've been here now for five years as the president of SGMC Health. And I will say, from my perspective, from our team's perspective, because our job is to really share all the information that, all the things that are going on, you know, a lot, I feel like a lot of things were put in place initially that you can't really see, you know, a lot of behind the scenes things, a lot of operational things being put into play. And now I feel like we're really starting to see the fruits of that labor, whereas things are really rolling, things are starting to happen and
- Yeah, yeah, it is. You know, it, it is kinda hidden in a lot of ways, but I think what you're really talking about is our people in action. You know, we have our frontline clinical folks that take care of people directly. And then you have all the rest of us that are behind the scenes that are taking care of people indirectly. You know, there are two types of folks that work in a healthcare delivery system. It's one those that care for folks, and then there are those of us that care for those who care for people. And so all that's sort of coming together, but it's, it's centered on developing a culture of high reliability and excellence in all we do. Every job has an important aspect in the delivery of that care, achieving that expected outcome, that desired experience. And then each one of us we're expecting as employees of the health system to, to have an experience as a member of this team. So everything we do is about our team and enabling them to be great for each other and transfer that to the bedside when someone comes in for a procedure or an overnight stay or to have, deliver a baby or whatever we want to, we working hard behind the scenes. So it's really culture, you know, you think about where we started, you know, and now where we are, well, we're just beginning and we're not a hundred percent yet. We're asking ourselves to do more, think differently, live our values, be accountable to one another, be accountable to, to those that entrust their care to us, such that we are reliable, you know, high reliability. When we arrive at being highly reliable, you know, that means that we're not, sometimes, we're always so, so getting it right, always that experience and how people feel about us, always very challenging in the environment that health systems work with them because the, you know, it's constantly changing and there are pressures on the team. So focusing on the team, what they need, it's not just the number of team members, but what is it that leadership provides every day is leadership tuned in to the team's goals, dreams and aspirations. You know, work is a part of life. It's not our, our life. So all of that stuff is working behind the scenes to achieve this destination service, these destination services. And it enables our physicians and the clinical teams to just be remarkable. And that's why I think things are moving so rapidly for us.
- It's been exciting. I think this, I think I'm almost a year and a half of being here. So I think I got a front row seat of a lot of exciting things that have happened in the last year. I feel like I came on board, right as we relaunched as our new name. And then we've had all of these exciting things with the Mercer Press conference. We had to announce that partnership. And we've just seen so much growth in the last year, which is, it's exciting as a newer employee to an organization.
- Well, and it's exciting to me to be in the role I'm, I'm in. But it takes all of us and you in this podcast and all you do and your other jobs enable what I'm talking about. If you think about it, 3,200 families depend on this place for work. They could choose to work elsewhere, but they choose here. Why? Well, maybe, maybe it's the pay, maybe it's the benefits, but I wanna think it's just a great place to be. They have friends here, they believe in SGMC Health, and more importantly, they like being a part of an organization that wins, that wins for the right reason. You know, it's not about themselves, it's about others. And so pulling all that together, so we're feeling rewarded in all we do is a part of this journey that we're on. And it is often unseen. And you talked about that. You know, we can see the buildings go up, we can, we hear about the Mercer University School of Medicine affiliation. We hear about the new program that's being developed. A new robot is purchased, another technology. But what you can't see is how we're interacting with one another. And that's what I'm most proud of. I'm, I just, I feel blessed to be able to work among such bright, capable and willing individuals that wanna do this with me. And I'm talking about everyone. It doesn't matter where you are in the health system, you, everybody's chipping in. We talk about in our connection sessions that, you know, there's no bigger job than the job one is in everybody's job is important to where we're going. And why is that important? It's because someone's life depends on it. I mean, we exist to take care of people and they come here because they trust us. So that's the exciting part of what's going on. I think at SGMC Health, you know, again, you know, you mentioned Mercer University School of Medicine, our teaching mission, you know, we're here to take care of people, but now we're a teaching hospital. Very exciting news. We not only are having a graduation of our first class of internal medicine residents, they're gonna graduate. They're gonna be board eligible to be board certified internists that's coming up here in the next few weeks. But we're now onboarding our next class of internal medicine residents through our graduate medical education program. You know, just a few days ago we maxed 100% of our internal medicine slots. And then we're starting a new transitional year residency where 10 physicians and their families will move here for at least a year. And they're in a, they, they're, they've enrolled and have matched to a new transitional year residency that, that we're, we host here as a part of our graduate medical education. And so we've expanded. So think about that. That's, that's 10 new internal medicine residents and 10 new transitional year resident plus the other, the second and third year residents. And then in just a, a few more weeks, we'll onboard our next class of Mercer University School of Medicine medical students, and we'll have a third and a fourth year class of medical students. And that's all working inside of what we just talked about. Now, why is that important? Well, we have to be mindful of the workforce needs of the region. We, we can't just sit idly by and expect that supply of physicians to just happen for us. So we made a strategic decision to partner with Mercy University School of Medicine for the purpose of stimulating a pipeline, a bigger pipeline of physicians for South Georgia. And it's working. There are several of the residents that are graduating in this class. They come from a many different areas, but a number of them will remain here and work in South Georgia.
- And what is the statistic that the, a number of ones who stay where they trained. Isn't there a statistic about that?
- It is, it's, it, it's a, there's a high percentage that'll stay within 75 miles before they complete the
- Residency. Yes. Yeah. And why is that important economically?
- Well, you know, that's a great question. So we talk about taking care of the needs of the community so they don't have to travel, right? If you can't access a physician, you have, you may have to travel, but, but every physician that remains here also generates an economic halo for the community. I mean, you think about it, they buy a house, they have to have a vehicle, food, groceries, or children grow up here, they pay taxes. I mean, you know, health system is growing and developing, generate big economic halos is not the primary reason for it to exist or for us to develop a residency. But it is a, it's, it's a benefit. It's, it's, it's tangible benefit to the community.
- What I see is just a pipeline of young, bright minds and talent that we're just
- Yes,
- Pouring into the system. So aside from access to care, what have you, you're gonna have just fresh ideas, energetic workforce that feel that they can help shape the next generation of care. Well,
- Again, you're touching on another benefit. Think about being responsible as a teacher. All the teachers out there that teach whatever grade, whatever level at the university level, the faculty, you're, you have a responsibility if you're a teacher, you have to know what you're teaching. You have to be good at it. So we we're, they're, these residents are entrusting their education to us. They're, they're expecting that we know what we're doing and that we're teaching them effectively. And so when you, when you become a teacher, you become a little sharper and you become a little better. So you think about it, it's slowly just like sharpening the tip. It's getting a little fine. So being a teaching hospital makes us sharper. Makes us maybe a little more informed, maybe a little more advanced, because you're responsible for educating the physicians of the future. And you're right, when these bright minds and medicine get together and they plan together, they do scientific research together and they present their papers, their studies, their posters. It's fascinating what we learn as a health system that transfers to the bedside. Recently we had two posters or scientific posters that were presented, you know, in, in the state. And we were awarded top awards
- Right here. Yeah. And just for the listening audience posters, 'cause I think of a literal poster, but for those that may not understand what that is, it's basically like a scientific study, a program that they undergo to try to enhance some level of care within the health system. But yeah, we had two of those that were recognized statewide, that directly has an impact on the patient care that is received here. And
- So what they learned through this study, we've applied it at the bedside. And so that's what comes with being academic, being a teaching organization in addition to the primary objective. And that is greater, bigger supply, bigger pipeline of physicians for South Georgia. It is an exciting part of what we do in that, you know, we are, you know, really developing the future workforce, you know, physician workforce for us as we get older, you know, everyone ages out. No one's immune from that. And who's going, and I know it's hard to, who's gonna fill our shoes? You, y'all ever heard that song? Well, who's going to follow behind these great physicians that are here? And I mean we, we can call 'em out, but they're gonna finish and who's gonna start behind them? So that's exciting. Erika. And I think of all the things we're doing, you know, folks should pay attention to that because it's only gonna get bigger. There's gonna be more, more medical students, more residency training. And remember they come from all parts, you know, not only of the nation but the world. This is an international group of physicians. They can be anywhere else. And they come here. Why do they come here? Because we make 'em feel welcome. They believe they're gonna get a great education here and then they remain here because of the experience. And that's what we want.
- We've gotten to talk to a lot of them over, you know, the year of introducing them to the community. And so many of them do say that they came here and visited and they love the atmosphere, they love the community and they felt welcomed. And so they really are loving having their family. 'cause a lot of them do already have families and they love it here. And they think that they would like to stay after their residency.
- And I think that goes back to culture too. I actually was in an interview yesterday with a potential candidate for a position and he just could not, I mean he just went on and on about the culture was palpable. He could already see it just in walking the halls and with who he spoke to, that everyone is that excitement because you feel like you're working even regardless if you're, most people feel like nursing clinical teams. You feel like, okay, yes, they're the hands on, they're saving lives. They get that ion
- Gratification,
- Gratification, satisfaction. Okay, you just put those, sorry. Yes. But from a nonclinical aspect, I think it's amazing to be able to work for an organization where you two, no matter what role you play, you kind of mentioned this earlier, no matter what role you play in the health system, you know that you're making a bigger difference and you're, as our mission is to improve the lives of always serve. And you're able to do that.
- And I wanna give you an example of that. It just happened this week, you know, food. I just want to pause for a minute. The listening audience, just ask the question, if we did not have food inside of this, this health system, what would it be like being unable to feed someone? You know, nutrition is a part of the healing process, right? So we think about, we really just skip over it, there's a meal coming. Well think about all of the professionals that assemble. They start early in the morning, they work late at night to do what, not just assemble meals, but assemble tasty meals, nutritional meals according to what everyone needs. And then they feed everybody else. They feed the public, they feed our employees, our volunteers, our physicians. They rally around this idea that they're gonna fuel this team and fuel our back to health. And just this past week they rolled out a new menu around this and it's, it is, I mean, it, it not only meets the bare necessity of having a meal, but it was, it's being displayed and it's such a pleasing way that you think it's sort of a, a meal you would get sort of in a restaurant. And, and so, and they're putting energy into that because they know it matters to the patient, the family, and even to the, the workforce. So I, how can you, what value can you put on that job in what we're trying to do? I would say the highest value because I can't imagine not being able to access a meal in a timely fa physicians in between surgery, surgeries. They get to pop into an ear where they can have a meal, then go back, they're in a trauma and they're caught up for hours and they can't eat. But they know there's a meal or a place to get a meal. Our team, our nurses that work and you know, we put these food stations throughout the health system and, and all of our campuses virtually to be able to access food. And this team just rallies around this idea. They exist to fuel, not just feed, but fuel this workforce. And that excites me. And when I interact with 'em, they're smiling and they're pleasant. And when they
- Always, - And when they make my beautiful little wrap down in the spice and I just love it. And I can tell you all about it if you wanna hear more, it's just, they do it with a smile
- Because they do a great
- Job. They believe in their purpose.
- Well
- That's what we're trying to accomplish throughout the health system. We exist for something bigger than the job. We exist for a purpose in another's life. And if we'll be that always we'll be remarkable for someone. And that's what I'm excited about.
- And I think it's about like reimagining what we can do in certain areas. So I went to the taste testing that they held and it was phenomenal. There were just dish after dish after dish and it looked like you were eating at a five star restaurant. And I was like, wow. You know, I never really even thought that this could be possible for a patient to eat like this as a patient. And so just to see them take that to the next level because they want to 'cause they care. And then how can we do that and other areas. And it's exciting. 'cause you don't have to be the status quo. You can choose to be, Hey, I wanna be remarkable or great at what I do, whatever that is. And we're seeing our teams just naturally like gravitate towards that. And it's just really cool to be a part of, you
- Know, and then if you, if you're gonna get it right, always, you know, you're, you know, you, it sort of, you know, it hurts you when you don't. I mean, you, you feel bad. Oh God, did we missed on that? So you could, yeah. You think about this idea that, you know, high reliability is, is consistently always. And so being preoccupied with failure is a part of the culture. Not, not, not, not in a negative way, but in a po In other words, we need to do what's required. So, you know, just this, I guess within two weeks we've launched a new tiered huddle around being always, it's our new tiered huddle system. It's where our teams huddle at different times at different levels throughout the day. And when they huddle, what are they talking about? They're talking about how to get it right always. So our communication systems are evolving inside of the culture. And that's about us knowing what the other needs and or what's in the way of us being always and whatever we're responsible for to achieve. The number one objective is to be safe, to do no harm, to always make sure we're safe safety first and then get everything else right that goes into the care of the patient. So that's, that's more of that behind the scenes that the listening and viewing audience probably would not know that's going on. You know, meeting with intentionality, not meeting to meet, who'd been to a meeting where you sat there for an hour and you thought, my gosh, we could, you know, not you do it, this
- Could have been an email.
- You do it because it's on the calendar. Well remember one of our strategic priorities is unmatched efficiency. So being efficient with what? Well efficient with supplies, efficient with, you know, steps. But what about conversations? Conversations need to be meaningful and we don't need to be robotic where we can't talk about each other's family and have a right fun time and reflect on what's coming up. That's not what we're talking about. We're talking about meeting with the intent to impact this high reliability journey. So all that stuff is happening behind the scenes.
- Well, and I would say it's working very well as we've just seen our serious safety rate go down. So in that aspect, patient safety obviously is our number one priority,
- Number one.
- And so many things taking place. You talked about the huddles, which basically gives a voice to the frontline staff to be part of the solution when they identify something that's not happening that the way it should.
- Safety is our number one. And in that, you know, all, you know, our patients' safety, our employees safety, anyone who encounters the hos, the hospitals, anywhere, any campus, any service, any clinic anywhere should feel safe. If you work here, you feel safe. So that's what these huddles first talk about safety first, and if we're serious about it, we listen to those voices that are moving that information forward and we act on it. And there's a lot of change that's happened in the system over the last few years. Are we there again? No, it's a journey, but we're taking steps, giant steps forward practically every day, every month, every year to make sure we're achieving And some of the results. And you mentioned one is very good, it's very favorable. And I'd say the team, I couldn't, I couldn't be more proud of how they've responded to this challenge. You know, winners like to be around winners, winning teams are contagious. They, they attract winners and this team's winning and they, and we've got a winning group of people that work here. I I'm very proud of 'em.
- Me too. Yeah. I mean I've been so impressed in the last year and a half I've worked here with how many, you know, amazing compassionate people work here. People who truly, truly care about their patients and their friends, their employees, their coworkers, you know, it really is an environment of care and not just for patients, but for each other.
- And it's hard work. Yeah. Don't get me wrong. And it's a long mile when you have to park out in the Hendersons and walk in in the rain. I mean, I get it. It is not a, I mean they work hard.
- Yeah,
- They're challenged. They may not have as much of a resource resources they need at any given time and more to do than they felt. But they, their intent is to be remarkable. You know, there's good and then there's great, and then there's remarkable. And every one of us have had a remarkable experience and it's, it's different than anything else we've experienced, but that's what we're trying to, to, to achieve. And, and I think the team, regardless of the challenges is responding to this and, and, and at the end, you know why? Well it's extremely rewarding to know that what I contributed had an impact on the life of another, a positive impact. And that's what we're buying into. That's our purpose. That's the reason we exist.
- I think that's as good a place as any I know to end it. I don't think we could do any better than that. Is there anything that
- You wanted to share that we didn't hit on?
- Well, you, I thought you were gonna ask me about my favorite meal. We already had changed last year. Well, no, I talked about, I know it may have
- Not because I thought about that I'm not. And I was like, well we already, and he's already mentioned that chicken wrap. So
- That chicken wrap was good. But I did have fried chicken yesterday. Oh gosh. And I know I'm not supposed to my physician and he's tuning in. He'll get on me.
- Well, I might have one zinger for you then.
- Okay, let's
- Hear it. What is, what is it that you're most proud of that you've happen or occur since you've been here in our community
- Here at SGMC Health? What am I most proud of? I'm most proud of our team feeling like they're winning and if not every day, most days.
- Yeah.
- You know, there was a time when they didn't feel that way. I wasn't here and there was a time we weren't winning.
- I was here
- And I
- Was not.
- And, and, and it, and, and everything I do every day, I reflect on what, how difficult that must have been for the community. That must have been for the employees, the physicians, board management. And, and what I'm proud of is that we're very proud. Yeah. That, that we, that, that we're, you know, the pride is back And that makes me proud. And it's not from an arrogance right. Standpoint, it's from a, you know, it's just, it's just a good feeling. And when you know that people care about you and believe in you and, and trust you and and thanking you for what you do. And that's happening more and more. Yeah. Community has been remarkable. It didn't, you know, it hadn't taken a lot to get our community back, meaning we just got back to what we're supposed to do all along. But the community speaking highly of our team, that makes me proud for the team.
- Yeah, yeah,
- Definitely. So that wasn't much of a zinger by the
- Way. Okay, good.
- You gotta come with something better than that.
- Well, okay. Okay. I'll try. Better than this time. Well thank you so much Mr. Dean for being with us today and sharing that update and you know, everything that's been going on, it's really good to hear from you.
- Well thank you and thank y'all for leading on this very important information sharing podcast. This is, this is something y'all came up with and I'm sort of falling in line with it because you've now made a believer outta me. People brag on you and we thank you for helping us communicate about SGMC out through it. So
- We love doing it. Yes we do.
- And it shows and I appreciate it.
- Thank you. Alright, well thank you to everyone who's tuned in today and please be on the lookout for all of our future episodes and you can go view those on any platform and you can submit questions at sgmc.org/podcast.